
Bystander Effect Essay

Decent Essays

The Bystander Effect
The Bystander effect is a controversial theory given to social phenomenon where the more potential helpers there are, the less likely any individual is to help. A traditional explanation for this Bystander Effect is that responsibility diffuses across the multiple bystanders, diluting the responsibility of each. (Kyle et al.) The Bystander effect, also known as the Genovese Syndrome, was created after the infamous murder of “Kitty” Catherine Genovese in 1964, on the streets of New York in front of thirty-seven witnesses. After studying the Genovese syndrome and doing research on how this phenomenon occurs today, it is clear The Bystander effect is not theory, but actually fact.
It wasn’t until Martin Gansberg wrote …show more content…

An eyewitness told police that he contemplated calling the police and instead called a friend to get advice on what he should do. The man crossed the apartment building and had an elderly women make the call. The man sheepishly told the police “ I didn’t want to get involved” (Gansberg, 1964). Six days later, police arrested Winston Moseley, a 29-year-old machine operator. In addition to being convicted of Murder of Catherine Genovese, Moseley also admitted to killing two other women in the past year during his investigation. Law enforcement was unsure to hold the eyewitnesses responsible for failure to report the crime that resulted in the murder. After investigations with witnesses most admitted they were too afraid to call, or gave other arbitrary reasons for not reporting the crime. Detectives interviewed a couple that admitted to hearing the screams and even witnessed the crimes. When asked why they didn’t contact the police the wife replied, “I don’t know” (Gansberg, 1964). Another witness told the police he overheard the screams and he didn’t report it because he was tired and went back to bed. Detectives were able to capture the suspect rather quickly, because the residents of the neighborhood were capable of providing detailed information leading to the arrest of Moseley. It was this event, that created The Genovese Syndrome, otherwise known as The bystander effect; The bystander effect refers to the phenomenon that an individual 's likelihood of helping

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