
Byzantine Empire Christianity Essay

Decent Essays

The legalization of Christianity under the emperor Constantine ushered in a new age for Byzantium and the rest of the western world. Christianity influenced the Byzantine Empire primarily through the religious beliefs of the emperors and consequently, was spread throughout the vast empire. The foremost leaders of the essential cities within Byzantium belonged to the church and the major architecture and art within cities primarily revolved around religious necessity. Christianity was often used as a political tool to further the wishes of some emperors. Due to the direct intervention of the emperors into the daily lives of their populations and the outside the empire, Christianity had a profound effect on the political culture of the Empire …show more content…

However, Constantine’s conversion to Christianity was not a unexpected and rapid one. He believed in monotheism long before he began to associate himself with the religion of Christianity and their belief that their god was the one true god. Before the ascension of Constantine, Christians were unable to find a home within the empire. Everywhere they went they were treated with contempt. The Romans had persecuted them during he late Imperial period and the treatment had continued until the rise of Constantine as an Augustus, the emperor of the west. He immediately freed all of the Christians under his control after his victory at the battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 AD. The treatment of Christians became his first priority as he began to see himself as one of them. Constantine believed his military prowess was due to the support of the Christian god and reacted accordingly. He immediately set about attempting to convert the entire Byzantine Empire by favouring Christianity above the imperial polytheistic cults. Without the changes implemented by Constantine, Christianity would never had a foothold to gain traction with. Constantine, although not declaring Christianity the only religion within Byzantium, clearly favoured it and in response, the empire began to emulate

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