
CS Lewis 'Moral Argument'

Decent Essays

The moral argument states that individuals understand Right from Wrong and this understanding is share among other individuals. For moral law to exist in the universe, God must also exist to govern moral law. CS Lewis defended this argument. He claimed that common moral law exist among people and people are expected to obey this law. This law is the Law of Nature because “everyone knew it by nature and did not need to be taught” (136). He also claims that this law is innate and universal. He further went on to say that for such objective moral law to exist, there must also exist a moral lawgiver to govern and uphold those laws.
I disagree with moral argument and Lewis’s defenses. Lewis claimed that there have been “differences between [people’s] moralities, but these have never amounted to anything like a total difference” (137). He did not believe that different civilization had different views of moralities. But this is not true. Morality vary among different people and culture. For example, some culture practices female genital mutilation and view it as right. But …show more content…

However, our understanding of morality can be due to the fact that individuals are taught and conditioned from a young age by their parents and society on right and wrong. For example, a child may not know that a hot surface will cause them burn and pain. So they might touch it. It is only when they feel the burn, and pain after, that they learn to be cautious if it. Also, their parents may see the child going towards hot surface and yell at them to not do that. In both cases, they learn not to go near hot surfaces. This understanding of being cautious around hot surface is not innate and is a learned behaviour. Similar to learning about things that will harm them, humans also learn about right and wrong. Society and the surrounding environment shape individuals perception on morality and thus Law of Nature is not

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