
Cache Analysis

Decent Essays

Cache is defined as a storage capacity for data on a system saved for the quicker servicing of future requests. The data that is stored in cache is as a result of frequently accessed data or duplicated copy of data stored in another location. Caching essentially makes future referencing quicker. Performance is the goal.

Consider a group of 7th grade students. You enter the class one day and ask them for the (square root) Sqrt111111 - The square root of the figure - one hundred and eleven thousand, one hundred and eleven. Being the competitive group that they are, they unanimously bend heads, with pen to paper and start calculating. After about 5 minutes of frantic calculations the first correct answers: 333.333, start to pop up. You …show more content…

In web server applications which could be geographically located, these web servers save users' web session data making it easier for the requests to be serviced globally.

Due to the rapid improvements to technology and the corresponding drop in data storage prices nodes deployed from distributed caching have become increasingly popular. Where the design of a system contains servers in clusters the distributed caching architecture to access a pool of data storage.

!!Distributed Caching Architectures and Designs

Depending on the environment distributed caching architecture can take different forms as we will examine below. In this lesson will cover 3 commonly used types.

!Type 1. SMP (In-shared memory multiprocessor systems)

Otherwise known as symmetric multiprocessing involves a number of identical processors interconnected to a single main memory which is shared among the processors. They have access to all input and output devices but are run on single operating system software. In this set up the one single processor is given priority over the others but each is treated equally. With this architecture there is a significant increase in through-put with multiple processors dedicated to solving a single problem as seen in Figure 1.

[{Image src='f4c8cdfb-53b0-425a-abb8-ad2e1a939b04_dist_cache.png' alt='dist cache'}]

P1..Pn Multiple Processors.

!!Type 2: DFM (Distributed File Management and Smart Disk System)

With this system multiple

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