
Caesar Vs Calphurnia

Decent Essays

In the exciting play, Julius Caesar, Shakespeare describes the intense emotion and tension of an event that changed the Roman empire forever. Julius Caesar, the main character, is brought up to two opposing arguments, one from his wife and the second from his colleague, he must decide whether or not it is a smart decision to go to the Senate House or not. Julius is tested by his two weaknesses: his ego and superstition. Conclusively Caesar decide to side with Decius,his colleague, and go to the Senate House. Decius’s argument is much stronger because he addresses Caesar as more than just a husband, but as a strong leader. Decius also states that Caesars political goals are much more important than the relationship with his wife. While both …show more content…

Calphurnia as a loving husband and Decius as a respected powerful ruler. Calphurnia exclaims to Caesar to “not go forth today” and to “call it my fear” (Line 30). Caesar agrees with Calphurnia and explains to Decius that “my wife, stays me home” which indicates that Caesar is more forced to choose this decision and that he wasn't too happy with it either. Caesar stays in this position until Decius comes in with a powerful argument. Decius shares with Caesar that the Senate was planning to “ give a crown to mighty Caesar” and that “their minds may change”(Line 56-57). Decius knows that Caesar cannot resist an opportunity to gain more power so he uses this to lure him in to go to the Senate House. Decius also includes how his political achievement is much more important than the appeals of his wife. Towards the end of the passage, Caesar has decided to go to the Senate house and bashes his wife for her “foolish...fears” and that he is “ashamed” that he even considered them(Line 67-70). Caesar’s attitude towards his wife truly shows how little respect he has for her, and he makes it very clear that nothing could have stopped him from agreeing with Decius. Calphurnia’s position as being a concerned wife did attract Caesar initially, but Decius’s position as a colleague truly manipulates Caesars desires which gave much more weight than …show more content…

Calphurnia describes Caesar the horrific images and disturbing sightings that she heard around the city: “drizzled blood...dying men...and fierce fiery warriors” (Lines 6-11). She vividly describes these images to Caesar in hope that he will fear them as much as she did. Calphurnia cleverly combines these disturbing sights to signify that a violent revolution is bound to come if Caesar decides to go to the Senate House. Calphurnia didn't get the outcome she wanted, instead Caesar interpreted this as works of the gods and that he will be unaffected since the gods have many other things to manage. Decius uses a good strategy by interpreting the dream in a different way. Decius states that Caesars blood is “such reviving blood” (Line 50). Decius use of the word “reviving” is important because it signifies that Caesars rule will be a renewal for the people of rome. This idea of reviving Rome is tempting to Caesar, and in the end is very effective. Calphurnia’s and Decius’s choice of details and interpretations are significant factors in Caesars decision to go to the Senate

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