
Campbell's Five-Viewpoints

Decent Essays

The five-paragraph formula is a destructive formula that cuts the blood flow of creativity from students. As Campbell essentially argues in his paper, “Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay.” Campbell’s main idea that he reiterates and stresses over and over again; is that the five-paragraph formula doesn’t properly allow students to express themselves with their own unique voice through writing. The alternatives to the five-paragraph formula are better suited for students as they allow students to use as he stated, “their authentic, authoritative voices."

Campbell sets the scene by showing how some teachers defended the five-paragraph formula when he was doing a presentation on common core standards. Campbell’s main reason for writing the …show more content…

Campbell did a great job in laying out and showing the main reasons and arguments against the five-paragraph formula. However, in terms of his essay, he neglected to mention a few things that would’ve further enriched his essay. One of the critical aspects he neglected to mention that I would add would be mainly statistics instead of heavily relying on anecdotal evidence. For example, on page 62 as he is discussing the key issues with the formula he stated, “it doesn’t ensure success on standardized tests—or in college.” I would’ve added a statistics further enriching the say by getting his point across and having a somewhat of a shock factor. A shock factor would’ve really made his point stand out and would not just have the essay rely on anecdotal evidence but a mixture of scientific and anecdotal evidence. Moreover, I would’ve also included a more sound concluding paragraph. I felt like the last paragraph left a somewhat sour taste in my mouth; I would’ve added now that they are able to write better essays their writing has drastically improved and really highlighted the overall difference in quality between using different formulas. I believe that would’ve enriched the essay and left a more sound concluding paragraph with a much sweeter taste.

From the get-go Campbell’s voice was established and had a booming presence throughout. He also had his ideas shine through and not get muffled when referencing other people’s works; truly elevating and

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