
Can They Fight During World War II?

Better Essays

Can They Fight
SGM Michael D. Kirkland
United States Sergeant Major Academy
Class 42
SGM Perez
15 January 2017
During World War II, many African American Soldiers served the country with distinction. Most African Americans were assigned to non-combat units and worked in supply, maintenance and transportation jobs behind the front lines, but late in the war heavy troop losses forced the military to place more African American Soldiers into combat jobs as both commissioned officers and enlisted Soldiers. This went against long held beliefs that the black Soldier did not have what it took to be combat Soldiers. Soldiers in segregated units like the 92nd Division, the 761st Tank Battalion, the more famous Tuskegee Airmen and the …show more content…

The 761st Tank Battalion was an independent tank battalion made up of African American enlisted Soldiers led by mostly Caucasian American officers. They were forbidden to serve alongside “white” Soldiers by federal law and the Army wouldn’t desegregate until after World War II. While American military leaders had reservations about using African American Soldiers in combat (MacGregor, 1981), when given the opportunity they displayed great heroism and combat ability because they wanted to show their love for their country and earn the respect of the American people, facing prejudices and racism from the highest levels of the military leadership; they fought not only against the enemies of the United States but against racism from both the American people and military members both at home and while stationed overseas.

The Black Panthers When given the opportunity in combat the segregated units displayed great heroism and combat ability, showing their love of country and fighting to earn the respect of their American compatriots and the American people. General Lesley J. McNair, the commander of Army Ground Forces, successfully argued that "colored" units should be employed in combat. At McNair 's suggestion, the US Army began to experiment with segregated combat units in 1941; the program was supported by, and given national exposure in,

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