
Canada in a Post 9/11 World

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Canada in a Post 9/11 World

September 11th, 2001, the day that the biggest terrorist attacks in history took place, the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York City. Even though this act of terrorism took place in the United States, it still had a major effect on Canada and changed a lot about the country and formatted what Canada is today. I will speak of four ways in which 9/11 affected Canada: The accusation that some of the hijackers entered the U.S. through Canada, how 9/11 affected immigration to Canada for Muslims, the way Muslims live in Canada today, and the story of Maher Arar and its relation 9/11.

One of the biggest ways that 9/11 has affected Canada was through an accusation was brought up by a sitting …show more content…

In search of better opportunities than their native countries can offer, Muslims from Pakistan, India, Egypt and other Muslim countries immigrated to Canada, not only bringing with them strong work experience and higher education, but also their life savings. After the 9/11 tragedy, every Muslim is seen as a suspect. There is a very little trust for Muslims. Just having a Muslim name is enough for discrimination regardless whether a person practices Islam, or not. Even those Muslims who try to conform to Canadian customs and values are not immune from discrimination. After the 9/11 tragedy the unemployment rate among Muslims has risen substantially. In a recent survey conducted by ISCC in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) it was found that 75% percent of new Muslim immigrants could not find jobs in their professions within the last 12 to 24 months.[9] As well, a lot of stereotypes have become integrated into society today, with many negative consequences resulting from this. Many people describe a terrorist as “someone from the middle east that wears a robe and has a dirty beard and carries around an AK-47.” The fact that so many innocent people could be cast in such a negative light is baffling, and something that people in today’s society

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