
Canada’S Counter-Terrorism Strategy Is Failing. From The

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Canada’s counter-terrorism strategy is failing. From the 2014 attack on Parliament hill to the January massacre at the Quebec city mosque, it is clear that terrorism is an imminent threat, both to Canada and to the world. Backlash against Western culture provides ammunition to extremist Islamic groups globally, which is only exacerbated by the West’s disproportionate military responses to legitimate and perceived threats through drone strikes or other military operations. Anger towards domestic policy decisions fuels far-right white supremacists, and government’s unwillingness to label the violence perpetrated by these groups as terrorism only provides them with impunity. The lack of lack of multilateralism and international …show more content…

Nevertheless, this policy is criticized for its disregard of the globalized nature of terrorism, for its indifference to the role of international law and global cooperation in maintaining international support, for its neglect to consider the risks that supporting foreign indigenous forces may engender, for the inevitable resource drain such a policy would generate, and for anti-Canadian narrative that would be incited by terrorists, simply leading to increased attacks. Conversely, another counter-terrorism strategy Canada may pursue is to support UN leadership in the fight against terrorism. Recognizing the global nature of terrorism, proponents of this policy argue that Canada must strengthen the UN’s effectiveness on security matters to ensure any international response to this issue reflects the interests and the needs of all in the global community. Under such a policy, Canada would have to debate all possible counter-terror strategies in front of the UN and would have to adhere to established treaties and work towards drafting more resolutions aimed to limit chemical, nuclear and biological weapons. Additionally, such policy proponents encourage Canada to become an active participant in established international institutions such as the ICC. This approach to dealing with terrorism is criticized however, opponents claiming that the UN is ineffective, slow and tied up by bureaucracy. Moreover, the UN’s

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