
Canal Building before 1840 Essay

Decent Essays

Canal Building before 1840: Essay

Throughout history, there has been a need for better mode of transportation in order to keep up with economical growth. Canals have been around since the Ancient Roman Civilizations and still exist today. Canals have been so important because they allow people to travel from one place to another and back by way of water. They require very little energy and maintenance but help trade flow more efficiently. This can be proved by observing the United States economy in the early 19th century. The canal Era was a major influence in American History. Canal building was spurred by the transportation revolution, which was from about 1815 to 1860. The transportation revolution greatly affected the …show more content…

It had paid off its seven-million dollar debt by 1836. It made New York the biggest trade center in the United States. Canal construction was being planned in every state east of the Mississippi River.

I have found a couple major interpretations of my subject. One of them is a book titled The Transportation Frontier. This book contains everything there is to know about the Canal Era. It also talks about how our major mode of transportation went from turnpikes to canals, and later, canals to steamboats and railroads. One thing that this source talks about that very few do is the other canals that were built after the Erie Canal as a result of its success. These canals include the Champlain canal, the Union Canal, the Ohio Canal, the Pennsylvania Canal, and many more.

I feel that my topic was fine as far as restrictions go. I do think though that it should have been limited to the Erie Canal only because that was by far the most important canal of the era. All of the sources I found have contained the Erie Canal.
One thing wrong with my topic is that it is limited to canals before 1840. It should have been canal building before 1860 since that is about when the Canal Era ended.
Another topic should have been the transportation revolution from 1815 to 1860. This would include all of the canals built and it would also contain how road and bridge building would move onto canal building. And it

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