
Candide Imperialism

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The Renaissance was a period of time in European history in which many countries experienced a great rebirth due to individual thinking. People were no longer subject to accepting artistic and political traditions, classical texts and/or scientific theories without question. Peaking in the 1500s, there was an apparent reformation in many different areas culturally, politically and socially, but especially in people’s perceptions of themselves. These new ideas about government, science, and the arts paved the way for the modern world.
During the Renaissance the government faced much criticism and was often questioned by philosophers and writers as it evolved over the centuries to what it is today varying by country. Sir Thomas More's Utopia …show more content…

Voltaire’s satire, Candide portrays the willingness of society to go along with “authority” without self-questioning. He wrote, “The tutor Pangloss was the oracle of the house, and little Candide followed his lessons with all the candor of his age and character. Pangloss taught metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology” (851). In this quote, Candide represents a naïve society who stands ready to accept without question what it is told. While Pangloss, whose name means “all” and “talk” along with his made up title that ends with a French word meaning “foolish,” represents an authority or expert. The literary piece makes fun of the scientific authority with a superfluous, disingenuous title as if to say if it sounds important or above one’s head, the average person will accept it. The scientists of the 1600s moved beyond this realm of thinking encouraging things to be tested and investigated as stated:
(Francis) Bacon stressed experimentation and observation. He wanted science to make life better for people by leading to practical technologies. (Rene) Descartes emphasized human reasoning as the best road to understanding. In his Discourse on Method, he explains how he decided to discard all traditional authorities and search for provable knowledge. (Ellis, Elser

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