
Candide Satire Analysis

Decent Essays

Voltaire: Tellement merveilleux! What a day to be alive again. Who could have ever imagined all of the world’s greatest satirists together in the same room?
Swift: It is truly a miracle. To think that we were lucky enough to be seated at the same table. I love your satire Candide by the way. I’ve read it three times now, and I continue to uncover new meanings with each read. You are a true satirical genius.
Voltaire: You are one to talk! Gulliver’s Travels is a satirical classic. The satire is so cleverly woven into the story and the book has never gone out of print since you’ve published it. It has truly stood the test of time.
Swift: Thank you, friend. You know our works actually have a fair bit in common?
Voltaire: How so?
Swift: Both of really utilized the quality of naiveté in our protagonists.
Voltaire: You are right I hadn’t thought of that. Candide’s name alone alludes to the fact that he is naive. From the Latin candidus, or “white,” Candid himself represents innocence.
Swift: How clever! I noticed that quality in him from the start of your novel. After he is kicked out of the castle, Candide sits with two men who ask him if he loves the King of the Bulgars. When he denies knowing him the men state “What’s that you say? He is the most charming of Kings, and we must drink to his health” (6, Voltaire). Despite that being a common tactic of recruitment tactic, Candide is so naive he doesn’t realize that he is pledging to be in the army of the Bulgars.

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