
Candide Satire

Decent Essays

The book Candide by Voltaire is a satire against the idea of philosophical optimism and the corruption within the Church and other institutions of the time. Candide, the main character of the story maintains his beliefs in optimism and the philosopher Pangloss’s teachings. [Insert more information about philosophical optimism here] Voltaire uses the characterization of the Old Woman’s role and philosophy of hopefulness for humankind in Candide to oppose the more ignorant philosophical optimism of Pangloss and Candide which is the object of satire within the story.

The object of Candide as a novel is to satirise the idea that Candide and Pangloss hold onto throughout the story, the idea of Philosophical Optimism. This idea of optimism where, as Pangloss says, “It is clear...that things cannot be otherwise than they are, …show more content…

The Old Woman can be considered the antagonist of philosophical optimism in the same way she can be considered the protagonist of Voltaire’s ideas. While Martin seems to be the natural protagonist of the story because of his constant pessimism, the Old Woman contradicts the different forms of optimism. Pangloss’s philosophical optimism is the subject of satire and the function of the story and Voltaire uses the characterization and philosophy of the Old Woman to represent his actual and realistic ideas on philosophy to oppose that of Pangloss and Candide. By the end of the story, the baselessness of philosophical optimism is revealed when Pangloss states that, [Insert quote about Pangloss not believing his own philosophy]. When viewed realistically, the idea of philosophical optimism would be unstable whereas the Old Woman’s philosophy is much more reliable. She shows extreme endurance & the will to live and love her life, which is it’s own kind of optimism that stems from experience and knowledge instead of

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