
Canines Research Paper

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Canines come in all different shapes and sizes; they have also benefited us greatly in our past, present, and possibly will in the future. According to Microevolution is “evolutionary change involving the gradual accumulation of mutations leading to new varieties within a species.” In addition, a Canine is a “member of the dog family Canidae.” Moreover, Canidae is “A family of carnivorous mammals that includes dogs, wolves, jackals, and foxes.” Therefore, now that I have defined these three terms from I can now talk about the canine family. Canines have over gone microevolution for centuries. They have developed so that they could survive with their climate and the world around them. Therefore, first, …show more content…

You can find dogs in Greek and Roman mythology, religion, and even folklore. You can also find our furry friends in art, literature, film, and sports. We have generated many sports and activities around dogs, such as Frisbee, dancing, agility courses, and many others. Dogs were and still are used as working dogs. They help the blind walk, and people with seizures and other serious conditions be aware when something is wrong. Dogs also help disabled persons. Dogs have also been known to help during wars, hunting, and herding animals on a farm. However, dogs are content to just be a companion to you. They love playing or just hanging out at your feet. Dogs are pack animals. They even associated their masters and humans as pack members. If you have a dog, you might be their brother or sister or even their master. If they are stray, dogs usually find themselves some friends to make up a pack. This helps protect them from danger and keeps them from being lonely. A dog may be inquisitive of strangers because he or she only wants to protect their pack members, or make new friends. No matter what type of dog you ever get, they will form a bond in person and in your …show more content…

Well unfortunately, yes. If someone purchases a golden retriever from a breeder, this dog may have inherited a bad disease from both his mom and his dad. If they breed this dog with another dog that inherited bad genes from its parents, their puppies have a high chance of contracting a very bad disease. All of this could happen without knowledge of any problems until it is too late. Purebreds can also end up with serious genetic disorders, which can be carried down because of how closely related they are to their parents. However, because of how loosely bred mutts are, the genetic disorders and diseases are often buried under all of the other genes it inherits. Mark Derr as an expert on the subject of dogs said that, “Outer beauty conceals inner flaws.” This is just saying that if you get a dog with a perfect appearance, you might have a sick dog

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