
Cannabis Issues

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Issues of Cannabis
What is Cannabis? Wikipedia defines Cannabis (marijuana) as a plant used for psychoactive drug or medicine. Cannabis has tetrahydrocannabinol referred to as THC. THC is the chemical that is responsible for most cannabis effects. There are many ways to use cannabis such as smoking, vaping, eating, and extracting. Moreover, cannabis is used for medical, spiritual, and recreational uses. Americans should accept cannabis because it has many benefits.
Cannabis can be used as a treatment for medical related issue. Marijuana can help patients with Cerebral Palsy (CP). CP is a group of disorders that involves brain and nervous system functions. There is no cure for CP but marijuana is one of the options of managing it. Jacqueline Patterson, a Missouri mother of four kids, suffers from this illness since she was born. Auspiciously, cannabis changed her life struggles. Her diagnosis was painful stiff muscles, severe speech impediment, which leaves her pronunciation of words to be stuttered. Patterson’s affirmation to The Pitch reports, “ I hate my speech so much, I drrrr… drrr… drove my husband to suicide, you know”. At the age of 12, Patterson went to search for a better alternative to sooth her pain, since, muscle relaxers and Provigil were …show more content…

Hindus considers marijuana to be a sacred plant but there is a misunderstanding. Virtue of marijuana was found long ago in Atharva Veda (knowledge) characterizes it as one of the five sacred plants beside barley, darbha grass, sugar, and Soma. Scriptures reveal that marijuana was holy to Lord Rudra and Shiva. These two are known as “gods” entails the growth, preparation, and consumption of the plant for spiritual uses. It is used to help neutralize toxins and for purification. Also, the scripts warn people of not using it for recreational uses since it can be addictive. The effects of spiritual awareness is extraordinary and linked to

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