
Capital Punishment Of The United States

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Capital Punishment in the United States For centuries, capital punishment has been used as a consequence of capital crime. Criminals who have committed such crimes are subject to facing the death penalty. Pickens shares, “Capital crimes are considered to be treason or terrorist attacks against the government, crimes against property when life is threatened, and crimes against a person that may include murder, assault, and robbery.” Dating back to 1608, the execution of George Kendall is believed to be one of the first recorded cases of capital punishment in the United States (Pickens). Kendall was sentenced to death for aiding the Spanish, which was considered to be a treasonable act at the time (Pickens). Throughout the history of the country, the death penalty has continued to remain an acceptable form of punishment for prisoners convicted of capital crime. Currently, capital punishment is authorized in thirty-one states (“States and Capital Punishment”). In those thirty-one states, five methods are used for execution: lethal injection, electrocution, gas chamber, hanging, and firing squad (Bushman). Capital punishment should not be a permitted form of punishment in the United States. The use of capital punishment has shown to be an ineffective deterrent of crime, is unconstitutional, and is an expensive process. Those in favor of the death penalty believe that it is effective in deterring crime.

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