
Capital Punishment

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Capital Punishment

Imagine your heart suddenly beginning to race as you hear a judge give you a death sentence and then you’re quickly carried away in chains as your family sobs as they realize that they will no longer be able to see you. As you sit in your cell you begin to look back at your life and try to see where you went wrong to end up in jail waiting to carry out a death sentence, and at the same time know that you are an innocent waiting to be heard. This same scenario repeats itself many times here in the United States. Capital Punishment is an issue that has raised a lot of controversy between the church and the government in the search for solutions.

The death penalty goes as far back as the …show more content…

Often times in many cases, there is information held back by the prosecutor because it may prove that the defendant is innocent and result in the prosecutor losing the case. An inmate also has many rights which keep them still protected by law, so that they aren’t mistreated and they are still treated fairly in court. For example, inmates are finally able to inquire about his or her conviction (“The Future of Capital Punishment”). For years inmates weren’t able to look into their case, but now they are provided with books and lawyers that will help them to understand everything that is going on with their case. By researching the status of their case they will be able to argue whether or not they were given a fair sentence.

There are many racial issues that arise in court cases that involve capital offenses. According to Parker, Dewees, and Radelet, black males have been found to receive a higher incarceration rate than white males (Westervelt and Humphrey 115). In several studies that have been done it has been established that blacks and other minorities receive the death sentence more than whites. The race of the victim also plays a role in whether or not the suspect will receive a harsh sentence. There are new laws that are currently trying to be created to ensure that a fair sentence is administered and to minimize the amount of innocent people that are executed. For example, for the

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