
Captain Philips: Reality vs. Movie Excitement

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Captured, kidnapped, and rescued, Paul Greengrass knows precisely how to seize his audience’s attention. Not only did I watch this movie with my eyes and mouth wide open, but I kept thinking to myself, “This actually happened in real life!” Little did I know Captain Philips was no hero. Not only was it his fault the ship was captured from getting too close to the Somalia Coast and ignoring warning emails, but he never truly gave up himself to the pirates. According to the article “Crew Members: ‘Captain Phillips’ is One Big Lie,” the ship’s crew tells Callahan Maureen that the captain was intransigent, audacious and didn’t follow protocol. Although, that is what Hollywood is great at: making heroes and false facts. The real crew members didn’t see Captain Philips as a hero because they believe he put them in the situation in the first place by ignoring the warnings he received to stay away from the Somalia coast. It made me question if Captain Philips was really the hero Hollywood portrays him to be. Although he was heroic through the whole event that took place, I believe he wasn’t the only one and I understand where the real crew is coming from. The crew mentions in the article “Captain Philips Is a Lie: Real Captain Is No Hero According to Crew,” that the real hero was Chief Engineer Mike Perry. He was the one who led the crew down stairs and captured the pirate for the exchange for the captain, yet he only had a small role in the movie. Captain Philips isn’t the only

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