
Cardiovascular Disease And Heart Disease

Decent Essays

Cardiovascular disease has reportedly been the number one disease killer for men and women in the United States of America. Every one out of four deaths is caused by heart disease in the United States alone (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention). Heart disease refers to the different types of conditions and symptoms that can affect the one’s heart and its functions to the body (Mayo Clinic). Cardiovascular/Heart disease has many causes and conditions, prevention methods and symptoms, and treatment options.
Heart Disease mainly consists of coronary artery disease, congestive failure and disease, cardiac arrest, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and strokes (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention) The most occurring condition is …show more content…

The heart in many cases does not have a correct beat and can cause symptoms like fainting, chest pain, heart fluttering, etc ( In some cases, Arrhythmia can be major as it can sometimes cause immediate heart failure or cardiac arrest ( The last main condition of cardiovascular diseases are strokes (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention). A stroke is a point where the brain has an interruption of a blood supply (usually are blood clots). Strokes can block the blood that flows to the heart and can result in heart attacks, cardiac arrest, dizziness, slurred speech, etc (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention). All of these conditions are the main aspects of cardiovascular disease ( Most of the conditions in cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by methods like identifying the symptoms and maintaining a healthy lifestyle (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention). Symptoms of cardiovascular diseases can vary depending on the severeness of the condition itself. Symptoms may include chest discomfort, shortness of breath, swelling, weakness, dizziness, and/or pain and numbness in parts of the body ( If one experiences these symptoms, it is best to seek medical advice on what to do next. Chest discomfort can include chest pain, fluttering in the heart, and chest tightness (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention). Pain near

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