Through the eventful Humphrey School DC career exploration trip last week, I've become a little more daring and my dreams have definitely expanded its' boundaries. Continuing this zeal and aspirations, I am excited to share that I will be joining the Legal team in the Governor's office as an Executive Assistant & Policy Aide to the General Counsel coming Monday. These past 10 months serving in Constituent Services have been a life changing learning experience and I look forward to working on my expanded responsibilities along side with some of the most amazing women I know.
There are many jobs around the world to choose from. The three jobs that I choose were a Border Patrol Agent, Dental Hygienist, and an American Navy Nurse. The jobs that I picked either one or two have something in common with each other. For example the American Navy Nurse and a Border Patrol Agent share something in common and so does the Dental Hygiene with the Navy Nurse. All these jobs inter me and it’s hard to choose for only one.
My background includes interning for a fashion designer as well as the Republican Party of Los Angeles County. Most recently, I am finishing up my position as a Regional Political Director for a state assemblyman, where my responsibilities including calling the constituents, distributing of information and literature, and executing GOTV.
stop what she was doing to greet me back with the biggest smile and the
5. The Callos Companies is an organization that is linked with various companies to provide a broad range of human resources to businesses.
Through my research I have found multiple jobs that interest me, but there are two that stick out the most: Psychosocial Rehabilitation Specialist and Psychiatric Technician. Before researching, I had no idea about these jobs, but now I know good deal about them. After researching, I found out in what settings people in these positions work, how much they make on average annually, what their job entitles, what the education requirements are, what the growth rates for these occupations are. The jobs’ settings are very similar, but their salaries and duties are very different. I was able to find that if one just looks at the average, annual wage for each occupation, Psychiatric Technicians make about $28,000 while Psychosocial Rehabilitation Specialists make about $34,000. The growth rate for Rehabilitation Counselors, in general, is faster than Psychiatric Technicians, but only by four percent. The overall tasks of each occupation, however, differ greatly from each other.
“I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile” (Walter Chrysler). Deciding on what one wants to be in life can prove to be a demanding task. There are so many, yet limited, different opportunities in the world to have an excellent career and make a decent living while doing something one loves. It is limited because there are only a few specific career paths that someone could take to make good money. It is very difficult to make a fulfilling living being a garbage man. There are many different opportunities because, within these specific careers, there are usually various paths to take. Someone who has dreams to be a
I interviewed Officer Greenlee, who is a close friend. She works as a Correctional Officer for the Peoria County Jail, I interviewed her while we were on duty on Saturday, April 16th.
My selected mentor is Jerry Martin RN, BSN. He is a co-worker that has inspired me to return to school and that any dream is obtainable. Jerry has a degree in biology and was working as a ward clerk in our ER when I met him. He has a degree in biology and worked in finance before working at the hospital. Jerry states” I was unhappy with my career in finance and I realized I had drifted a long way from my education and my core belief. During a conference a guest speaker said “true happiness is found when you find the one thing you would do in life even if you did not get paid for it”. That was my “aha” moment.” G.M. Martin (personal communication, September 3,2013) Jerry entered nursing school in 2006 and graduated with a BSN in 2011. He is currently working toward a MSN and striving to be a FNP. He is a great nurse and it is a privilege to have him as a co-worker and my mentor.
Typically, when someone hears ‘medical field’, automatically you think of people with white lab coats and a stethoscope around their neck ready to take your vitals. Obviously this comes to mind because these doctors and surgeons are the face of the medical field, but in reality there is so much more. There are actually about 300 different occupations one can have in the health care field. A large part of that is nurses. Nurses are the basis of the medical field; they are almost as important as the patients themselves. They have always been a major part of our lives. Nurses have been with us since we first opened our eyes, from birth to broken bones, nurses were there. They have very difficult and extensive careers, they dedicate their lives to their work and to their patients. Some nurses spend long nights away from their family and friends to help others, at times their shifts can last as long as 24 hours. In my opinion nurses are the real super heroes, for this reason I have decided to pursue a major in nursing. I still have a lot to learn and many years of schooling to go, but personally its worth the wait.
My ultimate value is my family. My vision for my own self is to live happily with my family in the future. I love to spend my spare time with them. Hanging around with friends and family make me feel well. I love to play on computer. I also love to play with the magical numbers. I like surfing on the internet, exploring new things, reading articles related with health, life, and economic events such as the stock market, financial companies, investment corporations, etc. I think being a citizen of a country, we should somewhat at different aspects of life to better know how well or bad the economy of our country is experiencing. My goal is to become a businessperson. I believe doing business is an important way to improve the economy of a
My whole life I have always wanted to do something where people will remember me. I went threw millions of career choices before I came to the conclusion of a nurse. It’s not something that will get me into History books, but its something where all the people I help will remember what I did to care for them or their loved ones. My mom went to school to become and RN, but dropped out when she became pregnant with me. After that story was told to me, I didn’t want to be anything related to nursing. It wasn’t until my step mom went to school to be LPN that I realized it would be possible for me to do. I saw how much happiness it gave her, and I want the same thing. She loved helping the patients by treating them, and helping their families
My Career Plan The future is uncertain for me, but it is important to develop a career plan that will provide financial support and personal fulfillment over the course of my professional life. To make this transition from school to a professional career, I am going to plan a plan that will help me stay focused and motivated in meeting my goals and objectives. In the next paragraphs, I will explain my ten-year plan for my
The question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” meant so many things throughout middle childhood, adolescence, and was even relevant in adulthood. My interests varied from law, to education, and even construction for a period. It took most of my lifetime and lived experiences, up until very recently, to actually figure out, make a decision, and follow through, with my true occupational goals. This paper will examine my current career path and goals. It will investigate the results of the O*Net Interest Profiler in which I participated, and how they compare to my current occupational goals. Finally, it will discuss gained insights and further resources for future career exploration.
Choosing a right career path can be tough. Especially, when the parents are involved. Parents want their children to have a better life in the future so they want their children to be educated. When they are successfully graduate from the college they can get a high paying job and earn much more than their parents. However, does everyone listen and follow their parents’ decisions about the career? What happen if kids didn’t want what their parents told them to do? Is there a compromise and or one side needs to give in? It was a tough decision for me too. There was a lot of pressure on me. I was hesitated and somehow worried when my parents were involved, but I knew what I want for my career.
Finding a specific career path can not only be difficult, but it can also induce bouts of anxiety, anger, and sadness over a crucial part of an individual’s life. Settling on a career can be unnerving when thinking about the fact that this is the career that you spend thousands of dollars on in college, that this is the career you will work in until you retire. With this course, I’ve found that it has been easier to narrow down a goal towards finding a career. Through career assessments, different assignments and discussions, I have realized what my barriers and strengths are. Overcoming these and improving these skills or applying them to an actual career assisted me in narrowing my goal as well. I am now able to clearly see the advantages and disadvantages of my career goal and to think clearer about the next steps that I will take after this course.