
Caregiver Burnout Analysis

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Caregiving can be challenging. Stress from caregiving is common, especially among women since they are the main caregivers. If a person does not take care of themselves, then they are at risk for compassion fatigue (occurs from the relationship between the caregiver and patient) which jeopardizes the caregiver’s ability to care for their patients, therefore, leading to caregiver burnout (Gallagher, 2013). Caregiver burnout is a condition of mental, physical and emotional depletion which occurs when stresses of the caregivers interactions with his or her environment (Spencer Scott).
However, how a caregiver handles stress depends on their spiritual and emotional maturity. Emotional maturity demonstrates one’s relationships with people, whereas, spiritual maturity demonstrates one’s relationship with God. The Bible reminds us that it is important to have a relationship with God and relationships with people. “Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the …show more content…

On the other hand, Emotional/Spiritual Health Inventory part A, (General Formation and Discipleship) reveals that I am an emotional adolescent. Part B (Emotional Components of Discipleship) indicates that I am an emotional adolescent and an emotional adult. Therefore, the immature behavior of the emotional adolescent such as blaming others or quickly becoming defensive causes pain in relationships and does not reflect the image of Jesus Christ. As an emotional adult, I am able to have a more enjoyable intimate relationship with God and a meaningful relationship with others by respecting and loving others (Street,

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