
Carl Jung Archetypes

Satisfactory Essays

Valentin Weidlich
Analytical Psychology - Carl Jung
The swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung was the father of analytic psychology, analytic psychology explains deep forces and motivations of human behavior. One example for a deep force which affects our behavior is the ¨Archetype¨. Archetypes can be found in art, myth, movies, books and religion. An example for a Archetype would be the ¨Hero¨. The hero is part of nearly every movie and book, he can also be found in religion ( Jesus Christ for example). But there are more besides the ¨Hero¨, the child, the wise old man, the trickster, and many more can be found in movies or books.
Carl Jungs theory of the Archetype is in my opinion completely correct, everybody can identify at least one of Jungs archetypes, weather from movies or from books. Furthermore I think that nearly every person on earth fits into one of these archetypes, since there are more than only the four Carl Jung discovered. …show more content…

When I was a kid I was mostly outside doing stuff like jumping in the mud, but one of my friends, who has two sisters, rather liked to play with his sisters dolls, but this changed around the second year of Elementary School. In opposite some of my female friends also liked to play outside instead of doing other activities inside, but that also changed around the second year of Elementary School. I actually agree with Carl Jung in this case in every point, but furthermore I think that it also depends on your environment if your Anima or your Animus is big or not. If you are a girl which grew up in the woods with three brothers it is more likely that your Animus is more developed, than the Animus of a girl which grew up in a big city with three sisters. But it works again also the other way around if you are a boy who has three sisters and all of them like to play with dolls, then it is more likely that you also start playing with dolls instead of going outside and play in the

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