
Carly Love Quotes

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Carly’s dream goal is to be the best basketball player in the Women’s National Basketball Association. Her friends are very supportive when she has good games and bad games. One day, one of Carly’s classmates had said, “You can’t make it to the big leagues because you barely see an Asian girl on the court.” “Wait on me and watch,” yelled Carly. “Yes We’ll see,” said Carly’s classmate. Carly loves it when people say things just to put her down because she likes to prove them wrong. So in a month, there is going to be the championship where Carly can let the people know who she is. After practice, Carly’s coach had told Carly to come speak with her. “So you know that the championship is just around the corner right?” said Carly’s coach “Coach …show more content…

I taught you how to play basketball ever since you was a kid. You was very determined to make it to the WNBA. Why stop now?” said Carly’s coach with a shock. “I know coach, but you telling me the news about my grandmother just took me down. I tried to pick up a ball and get back on the grind, but it doesn't seem right anymore,” said Carly with tears on her face. “Baby I know its hard to lose a loved one, but your grandmother wanted to see you on tv. You can’t stop your dreams now,” said Carly’s mom in a cheerful voice. “Mom even if I do start back playing, it wouldn’t feel right at all,” said Carly. “I have an idea, but you have to trust me on this,” said Carly’s coach. “Of course I trust you,” said Carly. The next day, Carly was told to meet up at the gym where she started to play basketball. “Hello? Is anyone here?,” questioned Carly. A man named Jimmy Choo, who plays in the NBA for the Clovers came through the doors and surprised Carly. “Yes Miss Carly, I’m here,” said Jimmy Choo with a smile. “Jimmy Choo what are you doing here?” asked Carly with amazement in her eyes. “I’m here to get you back in basketball,” answered Jimmy …show more content…

They both been working together day and night, which helps a lot for Carly because she is back playing basketball. Today is the Championship and Carly is extremely nervous. “I don’t know if I could play this game,” said Carly. “Yes you can! You are Carly Means who's going to make it to the WNBA. I believe that you would make twenty-one points or more in this game tonight,” said Jimmy Choo with determination. “Thank you for your support Jimmy Choo,” said Carly. She walked off to the court with her fellow teammates. During the game, Carly felt happy again. However, it was almost the end of the game and Carly is starting to get very nervous again. So Carly’s coach took Carly out of the game for second. “What’s the matter Carly?” asked Carly’s coach. “It’s almost the end of game and we are down by ten points,” said Carly while having a nervous breakdown. Jimmy Choo saw Carly and coach having a conversation in corner while the game was going on. He suspects trouble, so he walks towards Carly and her coach. “Whats going on?” asked Jimmy Choo. “She getting nervous because we are down by ten points and the game is almost over,” replied Carly’s

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