
Cart 1 Lab Report

Decent Essays

Graph 1 shows the collision of two cart with the same mass. Cart 1 has a mass of 0.508Kg, and cart 2 has a mass of 0.514Kg. Cart 2 is indicated with a green line, and Cart 1 is show as a red line. The graph is depicting an example of a perfect inelastic collision. An perfect inelastic collision, is when two object collide with one another, sticks, and travel as one. The momentum of the objects are conserved, but the kinetic energy is lost to some other outside factor, for example thermal energy or sound energy. The graph shows cart 1 moving from 0 - 50 cm, with a velocity of 0.4836m/s and cart 2 is position at 50 cm at rest (0m/s). Cart 1 collides with cart 2 at approximately 1.2 seconds, with the velcro sides attached, the two cart move together in what appear to be an almost perfectly inelastic collision. …show more content…

The velocity for cart 1 after collision is 0.203m/s and cart 2 after collision is 0.199m/s. Since, kinetic energy is directly proportional to the squared velocity, you can see the lost of kinetic energy in table 1. The sum of kinetic energy shown in table 1, before collision is 0.059joules, while the sum of kinetic energy after collision is 0.021joules. This graph shows an lost of approximately 0.03joules of kinetic energy. Nevertheless, the momentum of the carts was conserved, showing that the sum of momentum before collision for the carts was 0.246 Kg.m/s, while after collision, the momentum was distributed between the two carts at 0.10 Kg.m/s evenly, giving a total of 0.20 Kg.m/s and showing that the momentum was conserved. The small deviation in the decimal place value can be as a result of some experimental or calculation

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