
Case 10 Narcolepsy

Satisfactory Essays

#10 Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is diagnosed in about 250,000 Americans. Beyond feeling tired all the time, narcolepsy can result in sleep “attacks”. The danger with narcolepsy sleep attacks is that it is never known when an attack can happen, even driving or public places.
There are two types of narcolepsy:
• Narcolepsy with cataplexy – Cataplexy is the sleep attack that causes a sudden loss of muscle tone or in some cases paralysis to all limbs, yet fully conscious and awake. Triggers are not always known, but sometimes related to strong emotions like anger, happiness, or surprise.
• Narcolepsy without cataplexy – No cataplexy is narcolepsy without attacks, or excessive sleepiness all the time and still feeling tired.
Risk factors

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