
Case Study: Baquedano V. Canada

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Mrs. and Mr. Kabuki’s sponsorship application was refused based on the Bad-faith relationship: Subsection 4 (1) (a) of IRPA, even though Mr. Kabuki’s intention to stay with Mrs. Kabuki forever was proven. According to the section 25 of IRPA, they have no right to appeal negative decision of the sponsorship application that was filed in Canada, but they can ask for judicial review. Also, Mr. Kabuki has the right to judicial review or Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds in regards to the negative response from RAD. Now that there is child involved, a review under the Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds will take into consideration the best interest of the child, and family reunification under section 25 (1) of IRPA. The Baquedano v. Canada

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