
Case Study : Campbell Soup Ad Campaign

Best Essays

Vincent Tonzo
Dr. Brown

Campbell Soup Ad Campaign
“It 's Amazing What Soup Can Do”, is a slogan still used by Campbell’s, the number one soup making company in the world ("CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY."). It’s also amazing that their soup has floating vegetables! In the late 1960’s they ran an advertisement campaign wanting to feature the solid ingredients in its soup. Unfortunately, the advertising group found that the solid ingredients sank to the bottom and were barely visible. All that could be seen was the broth. Then they hit upon a solution by putting marbles in the bottom of the bowl before pouring in any soup. Thus the vegetables sat nicely on the top, giving the appearance of thick and a more appetizing soup. They eventually pulled the advertisement campaign when they received complaints from the Federal Trade Commission for false advertisements. I will discuss the morality of this situation by applying six ethics theories taught in this class: Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Natural Law Theory, Virtue Ethics, Care Ethics and Symphonology.
Utilitarianism the first theory known as the principle of utility revolves around the idea of the greatest good (happiness) for the greatest number. What this is saying is if we have to sacrifice something small in order to gain something greater then we should do it. With that said this theory is a consequentialist theory giving a greater focus on the results or consequences of our actions rather than the motivation

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