University of Phoenix Material
Case Study Comparisons
Part 1
Complete the chart below that differentiates the following insurance types.
|Plan Type |Characteristics of Plan (5 to 7 characteristics) |Target Audience for Plan |
|Indemnity Plan |Able to choose hospital and doctor, Fee for service, deductible, |Individuals and Families |
| |co payments, | |
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y/provider/day |
| |coinsurance | | |
|Preventive care/Screening/Immunization |No charge |No charge |No charge |
|Diagnostic Test (x-ray, blood work) |$35.00 copay or 20% of coinsurance if copay |Office visit copay or 20% of coinsurance |Office visit copay or 20% of coinsurance |
| |limit is researched | | |
|Level 1 Prescription Drugs |$25 copay/30 day supply |$15.00 copay/30 supply |$15.00 copay/30 supply |
|Emergency Room Services |20% of coinsurance |$350.00 copay/facility/day |$250.00 copay/facility/day |
|Emergency Medical Transportation |20% of coinsurance |20% of coinsurance |20% of coinsurance |
|Urgent Care |$75
As far as insurance plans go, generally there are three plans a patient will have, they are Health Maintenance Organization (HM0), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and Point-of-Service (POS).
The $3,000 deductible feature means that the insurance will not cover the first $3,000 of eligible expenses for the year (or possibly for each illness or accident in which Zach is involved, depending on the policy terms). The 80% coinsurance clause indicates that the insurer will pay only 80% of the amount of covered losses in excess of the deductible. The internal limit of $180 per day on hospital room and board indicates that the maximum the insurer will pay for hospital room and board is $180 per day. The internal limit of $1,500 on surgical fees indicates that the insurer will pay no more than $1,500 for such expenses.
Fee for service indemnity plans are essentially health insurance plans in which the consumer may choose any provider or hospital that they want to use; however, these plans are typically more expensive than other plans (Mukherji & Fockler, 2014). The fee for service plans pay only for services rendered, typically using the CPT coding system (Reimbursement, 2016). The indemnity plans will require the provider to bill the insurance company for services rendered (Zuvekas & Cohen, 2016). Typically, the insurance company will pick up 80% of the patient’s bill and the patient is responsible for the other 20% (Zuvekas &
13. Which of the following types of plans is considered to be a non-risk physician payment plan?
AI may enroll in a managed care plan (plan) or American Indian Health Program (AIHP)
Plan A has a 20% coinsurance after deductible for an office visit for primary doctors. I would use this when injured or for an illness. Plan B has
Governor Greg Abbott vetoed bills passed on the last regular session of the Texas Legislature on June 21, 2015. Three of the bills that had passed legislation, were vetoed by Governor Greg Abbott, the bills are listed as HB 1855, SB 496, and HB 499.
There are many types of insurance programs that are offered with a compensation & benefits package at places of employment. The programs that will be discussed are term life insurance, universal whole life insurance, accidental death & dismemberment, and long and short term disability insurance. These programs offer extra precautions for life disasters. For someone like myself I would rather pay for it and have the coverage instead of something spontaneous happening and not having the funds to go through life. We will dive into each form of insurance and the advantages they provide.
Closing out the meeting was John Connolly who serves as Associate Director of Insure the Uninsured. Connolly detailed the Covered California healthcare exchange as a commercial insurance provider. Connolly spent the majority of his time speaking addressing the improvements to coverage, and eligibility changes to applicable California residents. Making a repeated and substantial effort to state how the commercial insurance exchange would work, Connolly showed the various healthcare providers that would be available to certain individuals, and an estimation of the average cost per provider. The most significant aspect of Connolly’s presentation was his outline of the new health insurance plan tier levels, ranging from “Bronze” to “Platinum”. Bronze tier coverage represented the tier with the smallest amount of payment made by the plan and highest amount of payment made by the consumer, and Platinum tier coverage representing the highest amount of payment made by the plan and lowest amount paid by consumer.
Medicare Parts A and B. There is a monthly premium for this coverage (Medicare 2013 costs at
Unit 2 AssignmentKelley WhitcombKaplan UniversityHI215-01: Reimbursement MethodologiesProfessor Kathleen SobelJuly 20, 2015Medicaid is one of the biggest insurance plans you can get in any state. In the state of Indiana, it is based off of your income. There is a certain amount (income) you have to make to determine if you will receive Medicaid or Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP). HIP is still a form of Medicaid, but you would have to pay monthly cost for it and have certain set of co-pays for certain services that is needed. HIP Plus is the recommended plan for members as it provides health coverage for a low, predictable monthly cost. HIP Plus also covers dental and vision services. If you do not pay your monthly payment you can be removed from
The first plan is Medicare A and it will cover any of your inpatient fees.
As you learn about health care delivery in the United States, it is important to understand the various models of health insurance to develop a working knowledge as you progress through the course. The following matrix is designed to help you develop that knowledge and assist you in understanding how health care is financed and how health insurance influences patients and providers as important foundational information for your role as a future health care worker. Fill in the following matrix. Each box must contain responses between 50 and 100 words using complete sentences.
Health care plans are policies created to aid the patients in accessing medical services in form of insurance to cover the expenses incurred during treatment and hospital care. In analyzing the options given by two major health care plans elaboration will be based on two major insurance schemes namely indemnity insurance plan and Managed Care plan. All these vary yet with a common aim of providing medical services to the patients. In order for the analysis, consideration will be based on the costs and the coverage. These two plans differ in many important ways, more so in regard to how the services are offered, the way to obtain special care and the cost of care after recovery. Despite the diversities, the two care types share many
To create a plan to implement a new home insurance system after numerous complaints about the current one.