Thanks for sending the June Financials. I have a quick question that I hope you can answer: Is it customary to have a Board President act as "purchasing agent" for a condo association, using a personal credit card to buy building, maintenance, and landscaping equipment and supplies? In reviewing the Financials for the past six months, I've noticed Ed has received over $6,200 in Board-approved reimbursed expenses. Shouldn't the licensed and bonded contractors and vendors he's hired to work at Crestwood Terrace purchase any building, maintenance, and landscaping equipment and supplies needed for the job? In the event he's being rewarded with miles and/or cash back for using his credit card to pay for Association purchases, do our
This four-credit course is for students who major in finance. By the end of this course,
First, she needs to payoff her credit cards with the money she has on her savings account. She is actually going to save money by doing this because the credit cards charge interest rates much higher than the 1.5% she is getting from her savings account.
For this course project, I have chosen Cisco Systems, Inc. and tried to do the DuPont analysis for this company. Cisco Systems, Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells Internet Protocol (IP) based networking products and services related to the communications and information technology industry worldwide. Cisco also provides broad line of products for transporting data, voice, and video within buildings, across campuses, and around the world. Various products offered by Cisco are switching, NGN routing, collaboration portfolio integrating voice, video, data and mobile applications data center and other networking products. Cisco Systems has a market cap of $128.77 billion and is part of the technology sector and
3. What are each of the financial statements commonly called in for-profit health care organizations and in not for-profit care organizations?
The percentage of reimbursement for the above costs is dependent on prior approval from the RC Manager based on criteria provided in the policy. Approval must be received before the training course begins. Please see CPAO 9.03, point number 7.
Has any decision been made by your client regarding the condo (selling or transferring to heirs)? If the property is being sold, our office does not need to be involved or record property documents. If the condo is being transferred, we can prepare and record those documents at your request.
Commutronics had not accumulated enough profits and had no sufficient capital reserves. The company’s registered capital was therefore very low. The withholding tax rate of
We are providing below the assumptions and other calculations we used while computing the WACC and the cash flows.
Question 1: The situation in this case study revolves around Sally, a member of the Board of Sally Susie's Donut Shop, Inc. (SSDS). SSDS uses an accrual method of accounting and over the past three years has seen volatile sales. Sally is unhappy with her previous tax advisor and wants new advice. Our task is to outline a preliminary interview with Sally to ensure that we ask the right questions.
Marketing. Because of the large number of suppliers selling similar products, apparel-retail firms must stimulate demand with attractive store layouts, colorful product offerings, and various sales promotions.
The advantages to a LLC are: 1) Reduction of personal liability. A sole proprietor has unlimited liability, which can include the potential loss of all personal assets. 2) Taxes. Forming an LLC may mean that more expenses can be considered business expenses and be deducted from the company’s income. 3) Improved credibility. The business may have increased credibility in the business world compared to a sole proprietorship. 4) Ability to attract investment. Corporations, even LLCs, can raise capital through the sale of equity. 5) Continuous life. Sole proprietorships have a limited life,
In the Final Paper (Case Study) it speaks to the following case and circumstances. Knarles and Barkley are father and son respectively. Barkley is seventeen years old. They operate a facilities maintenance company that regularly does business in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. The company is based in Maryland. They have a number of contracts with building owners where they have agreed to provide building maintenance to both residential and commercial buildings within the three jurisdictions already mentioned. They receive a monthly payment of $2,000 to $4,000 depending upon the size of the building. They bill the owners for any equipment of a substantial nature that has to be replaced.
A decade ago the Lehman Brothers were the fourth largest investment bank in America. Dealing with Investment banking and investment management, the Lehman Brothers was one of the largest global financial service providers. Consequently, the subprime mortgage crisis left the company filing for the declaration of the chapter 11 bankruptcy protections, due to the unnecessary undertaken risk and obnoxious negligence accusations directed towards the group. Companies should utilize observational and analytical pundit functions in identifying the presence of crisis situations to avoid an economic downturn in the business (Pontell, 2014). The fraud would have prevented through stronger and better internal controls, which
Finally, in order to complete a more accurate comparison between the two projects, we utilized the EANPV as the deciding factor. Under current accepted financial practice, NPV is generally considered the most accurate method of predicting the performance of a potential project. The duration of the projects is different, one lasts four years and one lasts six years. To account for the variation in time frames for the projects and to further refine our selection we calculated the EANPV to compare performance on a yearly basis.
1. An international bank loaned money to an emerging country a few years ago. Because of the nonpayment of interest due on this loan, the bank is now negotiating with the borrower to exchange the loan for Brady bonds. The Brady bonds that would be issued would be either par bonds or discount bonds with the same time to maturity.