
Case Study Of Jambi Mental Hospital

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Rosinta Uli1, Robiana Modjo2, Turdinanto3
1Student of Magister Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health UI
2 Occupational Health and Safety Department, Faculty of Public Health, UI
3Nurse of Jambi Mental Hospital

The Jambi Mental Hospital is a center referral to the patients with mental disorders in the provinces of Jambi, therefor Jambi Mental Hospital should be able to provide quality health services. The quality health service be affected to human resources, specially nurses. The nursing is the profession that has an important role in developing the quality of health service in hospitals. The services were provided through the bio-psycho-sosial-spiritual approach that carried out continuously for 24 hours. The nurses have an important role in health care which have a high work demand, specially nurses in inpatient wards. One of problems on nurse at work is a fatigue. The fatigue is mental or physical exhaustion that …show more content…

Every day, during every shift, nurses can experience fatigue of their minds, bodies, and spirits. Workload, work hours, work structures, and many other factors can indirectly or directly cause and affect safety (Dorrian, J., Lamond, N., Dawson, 2000). As a nurse, you are called on to dedicate much of your time and emotional energy to your patients day in and day out. While your training will have prepared you well for this role, giving so much of yourself over time can become exhausting if you are not intentional about caring for yourself as well. Jambi Mental Hospital is a government-owned hospital that became a referral center for patients with mental disorders in the Province of Jambi. The existence of this certainly affects the high level of community’s needs against the health service of Jambi Mental Hospital. It can be seen from increasing number of patient either outpatient and inpatient (Bed Occupancy

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