
Catcher In The Rye Response

Decent Essays

Many will say that this book is a type of book that can cause a lot of argument and debate, but that’s probably why it’s so interesting to read. “The Catcher in the Rye” obviously wouldn't be everyone's favorite book, but I find it exciting and interesting to read, with a lot of harsh reality along with some humor, also with some moments of depression. Even though it was written in 1951, I think many teens would be able to relate to the different themes shown in the book. I find the main character, 17 year old Holden Caulfield, very unusual and as I read the book, it was interesting to get inside the head of the strange, rebellious character. It felt like I was seeing the story through Holden’s eyes. Just like a movie, the story was unfolding …show more content…

His story starts at Pencey Prep, a high-status boarding school filled with "phonies" (the rich kids), at least that’s what Holden likes to call them. What surprises me the most is the way the author creates a sad and strong atmosphere from the beginning of the book with Holden being described as rude, lazy and completely clueless about his future. He is one of those people that took the wrong path in life and now he is still deciding what he wants to do with his life. He has been thrown out of many schools before leaving Pency Prep and he never graduated from Pency Prep either he just left. Almost the entire story is in one long flashback of this three day period with some mentioning of what is happening presently. One thing that sets “The Catcher in the Rye” apart from other similar novels, I think, is the frequent use of swear words, be warned! The heavy use of swear words is very effective in making the reader relate to the characters better and make the characters seem more realistic, but on the other hand, if you are younger then fourteen, I certainly would not recommend the novel to you! It isn't only the bad words that makes “The Catcher in the Rye” inappropriate for younger readers, but also the themes shown, for example there is some sexual themes and readers younger than 14 should not read about

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