
Catholic Church Vs Baptist Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Catholic Church and the Baptist Church represent two very incisive streams in Christianity. While they may agree on certain essential beliefs, such as the birth, life and death of Jesus; they still differ greatly in some of the more specific aspects practiced in their religion, such as when the rite of baptism should be performed upon their believers.

The key doctrinal difference that separates the Catholic Church from the Baptist Church is their belief that a child should be quickly baptised after birth. The Catholics believe that this act of baptising a child will make sure that all their sins are washed away quickly, while Baptists postulate that only adults who are able to harbor greater understanding in life and sin can ‘truly’ believe in Jesus Christ. Another difference in the baptism rites between the Baptist Church and the Catholic Church is that the Baptist Church believes that for a ‘proper’ baptism, a person was supposed to be immersed in water, instead of the way Roman Catholics would sprinkle the water onto their believers. …show more content…

The Baptists base their belief and view of baptism on three primary arguments: Firstly, that the Bible does not mention any babies or small children being baptised. Secondly, that the word for baptise in original Greek means ‘to immerse’ in water. And thirdly, the Bible mentions that who should believe in Jesus Christ may be baptised. Since babies cannot understand, they therefore cannot believe in Jesus. The Baptism Church believes that those who are adults, and at least those who can understand will only be allowed to be baptised. Among all these arguments, Baptists also focuses their faith in Jesus Christ as the only thing that can bring

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