
Cause And Effect Of Globalization

Decent Essays

Globalization has failed in its promise of making the playing fields even between countries. Globalization has failed because in certain countries the life expectancy rates are decreasing. Many people have seen their jobs being demolished due to outsourcing. Globalization has affected people's lives since they lost their jobs. They are feeling powerless, because when they lost their jobs they won’t be able to pay their bills. When you can’t pay your bills, late fees will be added to the amount of money you owe. Due to this you can lose your home, this affects life expectancy rates because if you lose your home, you won’t be able to live on the street for a long time. This situation will most likely occur in developing nations than developed nations because developed nations have a higher advantage. Globalization was created to improve people’s lives, but it did the opposite. Globalization is now destroying people’s lives and decreasing life expectancy rates.

The flaws in globalization needs to be fixed because developed and developing nations are predicted to live longer than the past generation. For the developing nations, the life expectancy hasn’t increased and might be dismissed. The developing nations have the better advantage of survival because the developed nations are earning a great amount of money, meanwhile the developing nations barely make a dollar, even when the employees work overtime. One quote that supports this argument is, “The unbridle expansion of capitalism and free trade has allowed large, multinational companies set up by these big companies are sweatshop-dirty, dangerous, and the pay is awful.” This quote proves my argument because if the employees are earning low wages, even though they work overtime, they hardly make a dollar. Earning low wages means that they don’t have the upper hand of the situation. This is one flaw in globalization that is very important to fix because the developing nations life expectancy rates will continue to decrease over the years. Another flaw in globalization that affects life expectancy is, developing nations could barely provide for themselves, what will they contribute to their family. Another quote that supports this argument is,” In

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