
Cause And Effect Of The Black Plague

Decent Essays

The Bubonic Plague also known as the black death was one of the most devastating disease outbreak in human history. The plague killed more than one-third of the European population. With about 25 million people dead the European population decreased dramatically. The black death killed more people than any war or disease ever did. This outbreak has impacted family life, economy, and the church and it had long and short term consequesnses. When the plague first reached Europe people started to panic. People abandoned their homes families loved ones everything, and moved to villages. They tried as hard as they could to move away and flee from the disease. The effect of the plague was shocking. Feelings of fear and hopelessness among the people …show more content…

Feudalism was very common in Europe. The king granted land to bishops and the nobles who would then give the money to a knight in return for service. The knight would sometimes have peasants working under their will. However, since there was massive loss of lives of workers who used to work at that time after they passed away the amount of work was doubled for the surviving workers, thats why they had the right to demand higher wages and more independence. This contributed to the collapse of the feudal system in which peasants were bounded to work the land and pay taxes to the knight, baron, or king who owned the land. Many lives were taken every day, and with the population decreasing rapidly, the only few that survived were able to demand more wages to be granted. As the peasants gained more independence they gained more confidence. Once they realized they could work for themselves and not be below another person, this eventually led to the fall of feudalism. Since feudalism had a large decline, finding skilled people to do the work was a challenge. Some of the hardest workers died, and the peasants and artisans that survived demanded higher wages. The loss of these farmers and workers also led to a decline in the food supply. The few that survived could not produce enough food for the towns and cities, and those that could not get

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