
Cause And Effects Of The Congo Crisis

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The DRC has experienced a long history of political and economic subjugation. The colonial rule under Belgium was marked with extensive violence and extreme exploitation of resources. This created a situation in which few Congolese had higher education or the necessary skills to run a modern government or an effective economy. Furthermore, the Congo’s traditional socioeconomic structures were disrupted long before the end of the colonial era. After the country finally gained independence, the state was unable to maintain political or economic stability. Independence In 1960, the Congo gained independence from Belgium under a nationalist government headed by Patrice Lumumba and Joseph Kasa-Vubu. Their dedication to Congolese nationalism was not shared nationwide however, and shortly after the new government was formed, army garrisons in Katanga and South Kasai rebelled. The resulting conflict, known as the Congo Crisis, would become particularly notable for the heavy military intervention of the United Nations and Belgium, as well as financial backing from the United States and the Soviet Union. The fear and confusion surrounding the unrest soon resulted in the deposition of Lumumba during a military coup d’etat by Colonel Joseph Mobutu. After being imprisoned by Mobutu and Kasa-Vubu, Lumumba was later turned over to the rebel Katangan authorities and executed in 1961. By 1963, the Katangan separatists had largely been defeated by UN troops. The government was reformed

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