Sierra Leone’s modern history is one that is full of issues which were prevalent throughout the latter part of the 20th century. This small country has struggled to maintain a proper footing. Unfortunately, it took multiple coups and a violent civil war for Sierra Leone to reach a somewhat stable state socially. These issues may be largely due to the country’s strange origins. This essay will be discussing some of the events that lead up to the brutal civil war and the war itself. Several indigenous groups lived in the country prior to British colonisation, as it was for many areas in Africa. Beginning in 1797, freed slaves (known as Creoles) were brought to Sierra Leone after the banning of British slavery ( These people were given the English language and religion to ensure they’d be connected socially. But, without a proper culture to unify the Creoles of the country, there isn’t a true sense of identity. British rule later left Sierra …show more content…
On, the writers state that, “On 30 November 1996, President Kabbah signed the Abidjan Peace Agreement with the Revolutionary United Front.” This agreement sought to unite the country under peace by giving the RUF roles in government. However, a coup led by a portion of the army, known as the AFRC, put many high-ranking officials out of office and incorporated the RUF into their newly taken government to lead ( The United Nations later has to step in to fix the broken country. To prevent the importation of weapons and military materials, the United Nations placed an embargo on the country of Sierra Leone. Neighbouring African countries and the UN deployed troops to neutralise the hostile Sierra Leone traitors and the Revolutionary United Front, finally leading to the war’s end on 18 January 2002 ( This allows for former government officials to reclaim their positions in
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier and the recent 2006 film Blood Diamond both depict how it was living in Sierra Leone, Africa during the Civil War in the ‘90’s. While A Long Way Gone focuses on child soldiers and what they had to live and go through for many years, Blood Diamond focuses mainly on how the country is torn apart by the struggle between government soldiers and rebel forces. The film portrays many of the atrocities of that war, including the rebels' amputation of people's hands to stop them from voting in upcoming elections. Both the movie and the book try to tackle major issues by asking the questions: how
Sierra Leone has been involved in a humungous amount of absurd human rights violations since 1991 when the civil war erupted. This detailed paper on the book, A Long Way Gone, set in Sierra Leone, will create interest by summarizing the memoir through descriptive examples and text on symbolism and imagery. The author of this memoir A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier is Ishmael Beah, it's difficult to believe that this is a true and harsh story. You will be learning about Ishmael's resilience and the horrible struggles he faced as a child soldier, while somehow continuing to have hope. Ishmael Beah, 12 at the beginning of this memoir, unexpectedly gets recruited into a time consuming war over blood diamonds, against the rebels as a young child. Ishmael is at a loss, since with his own eyes he viewed not only his loving family, but his whole village as it was horrifically torn down by the dangerous rebels. Ishmael is not physically lonely during the book, but he is emotionally
After reading the memoir A Long Way Gone:Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah, I now have a much deeper understanding of the atrocities of war and the effect it has upon young people. As an ordinary young boy in Sierra Leone in the 1990’s, Beah grew up with a love for soccer and rap music. In early 1991 the Sierra Leonean civil war began and Ishmael’s life would never be the same again. The rebels, or RUF (Revolutionary United Front), would raid villages and kill civilians, rob homes and set them on fire. In an attack on his village, Ishmael lost his entire family. Beah, a terrified twelve year old boy, was now forced to fight for himself. While running away from the rebel’s massacres, he was recruited by the government militia as a child soldier. The government forced these innocent child soldiers to fight against the rebels. In order to take their minds off of the killing, the soldiers were
These events that led to the civil war in Sierra Leone destroyed its economic, political, and social system. The economics have been driven down since independence as seen before, from smugglers, to crooked political leaders destroying the economic system into pieces. The collapse of the economic system can trace back to many things. The political system has played a big part in it. The corrupt leaders as seen before in history like Stevens, and Mohob. In the book “Along Way Gone” by Ishmael Beah he experiences the messed up politics. He had first heard about it in the news about neighboring wars. Those wars were in Liberia. He had first hand experience, as he had fought for the government side which is no better than the rebels known as RUF. Ishmael roughly experiences this as he says
Sierra Leone once had a time where child soldiers were forced to fight in a civil war. Children were taken from their peaceful life’s to fight in the civil war. When the war broke out in 1991 Ishmael, a child in Sierra Leone was separated from his family and later brother Junior. After being left alone Ishmael, with friends, was taken to be a child soldier. This started Ishmael’s journey as a child soldier.
Before reading “A Long Way Gone,” I was not at all familiar with the civil wars occurring in Sierra Leone. I didn’t know anything about Sierra Leone’s political dynamics either, however I could infer much about what might be going on there if asked. At least that is what I thought. That is until I read part of Ishmael’s memoir. I figured, previously to reading the memoir, that civil wars began as a result of some generally good reason, and were continued for a generally good reason. The civil wars in Sierra Leone, as I read, were quite the opposite, rather blind fight for power, as narrated by Beah, “A lot of things were done with no reason or explanation.” It is also implied that each side in the war believed that they themselves were doing
The change in Sierra Leone culture is one of the first consequences of war seen in the story. Throughout the civil war the rebels (RUF) recruited or forced many children to become soldiers. In order to get these children they would raid villages and then draft the strongest ones. They would then tell the children that they would not need their families
¹A cilvic war of corruption have turned apart the relationships of Sierra Leone and the trust among its people, its travesty esstitally have destroy once peaceful community. Prior to the cilvic war, the people of Sierra Leoner have shared an intimate relationship with each other, they were a tight communities, until the war took away their lives, forcefully turning the family against each other.
A brief historical account of Sierra Leone may provide only a glimmer as to why the Sierra
Whilst leading to civilians fleeing Sudan and Sierra Leone to start new lives. The histories behind both wars are quite similar as both were solely motivated by natural resources and power imbalance. As The Revolutionary United Front had established in 1991 as rebel army that shared one goal, which was to overthrow Sierra Leone's government. Often referred to as the “Blood Diamond” era in certain African countries. Although diamonds and natural resources were a significant motivating factor, there were other causes of the Sierra Leone Civil War. Such as the pre-war frustrations and injustices that had transpired for decades. More than twenty years of poor governance, poverty and corruption created a setting for the RUF causing a rebellion, as civilians desired for change in Sierra Leone. Corruption and mismanagement led to the downfall of the country leading to an increase of recruits for the RUF. For Sierra Leoneans who did not have access to cultivating land, joining the rebel cause was an opportunity to seize property with deadly force. After leaving over 50 000 casualties and 2.6 million citizens displaced from Sierra Leone. The war came to an end in 2002 concluding in a loss for the
When Sierra Leone was colonized, it was considered a rich environment for slave trade, they referred to human beings like a natural resource that Sierra Leone was abundant in. Eventually, when slave trade was made illegal, though, in an attempt to try and mend what they had done, Britain sent former slaves to live in Sierra Leone, and eventually the US followed suit. This made it so all the native cultures that were already there got mixed in and even distorted with American and British slave culture and in some cases other forms of European culture. This severely impacted the overall culture and, therefore, made the government more vulnerable to “traditions” getting out of hand.
“Liberian Civil war fought in 1989-1996, is among the most deadly and destructive war in the history that lasted for more than 7 years and killed almost 3 hundred thousand people. This war was the worst ever in the history of Africa because it caused the infrastructural and property damage in the country. The war also displaced more than 1 million people in refugee camps in neighboring countries. This war led to a complete breakdown of law and order in the country. There was not any direct cause that led to this war but several reasons contributed in the creation of this destructive event. Hunger for power, greed and opportunities to control and to get more out of Liberia’s natural resources were the main reasons behind this conflict. As D. Elwood Dunn quoted “We begin with the assumption that the conflict arose from the tugs and pulls of different identities the differential distribution of
Paul Collier and Marguerite Duponchel examine how civil war impacts the economical developmental of the West African country , Sierra Leone. The authors discuss several consequences that Sierra Leone is facing because of the civil war that occurred from 1991 to 2002. For example, poor literacy is a result of the civil war because many children were prevented from going to school. As a result, majority of the population in Sierra Leone is made of young youth and adult, whose lack education. Collier and Duponchel explore areas in which the economical legacy of Sierra Leone is deplete as a result of the civil war. Collier and Duponchel state, “ The results confirm our theory: the size of firms in 2006 is negatively affected by the intensity
The country known as Uganda was once a British colony just like the majority of its neighbors in East Africa. It was initially intruded into by the Arab traders led by Speke and the British explorers led by Stanley in 1862 and 1875 respectively. They both paid homage to Mutesa who was the King (kabaka) of the Buganda. Uganda remained predominantly under the colony of the British until 1962 when they were granted internal self government by Britain (History World, 2011).
People in the Sierra Leone have massive problems and sad stories of what they have seen in their lives. During time of Sierra Leone war, many rebels attacked people in the villages and other places. This left people with nothing to have and several families died or were lost. Numerous amounts of people in Serra Leone live in the refugee camps, which they have faced their own struggles whether you see them or not. This makes their lives harder and it is not easy for them to express their feelings. Meanwhile, this causes a plethora of people to live with fear and a small hope of living in the country. The leaders and security guards in Sierra Leone tries to get domestic needs for the refugees, get protection for the refugees, and get all