
Cause Effect Relationships In The Autobiography By Benjamin Franklin

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Let me B. Franklin with you, I’ve BenJAMIN
(The analysis of the cause-effect relationships in The Autobiography by Benjamin) “I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man,”(Hamilton). Alexander Hamilton was a fellow founding father of Benjamin Franklin and was first secretary of the treasury. Similarly to Franklin, Hamilton was a self made man and known for his self-improvement; however, Hamilton’s plan of self-improvement was different that Franklin’s. Due to Hamilton being born a bastard, thus being of low position, he seized every opportunity to gain knowledge and a higher social rank. In The Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin, Franklin explains his plan for self-improvement. Franklin intentionally wants to live a life without any faults, so he lists thirteen good virtues he feels that he falls short of the mark and will try to maintain those virtues. He creates a calendar to track his progress, and starts at the first virtue the first week, then the second week he adds the second virtue.Benjamin Franklin didn’t make this plan up on the fly, he thought long and hard about how he would form the plan and his decisions affected his plan and results of the plan. The Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin shows his plan having multiple uses and effects.
Franklin uses his plan for self-improvement to change himself. While most people want to improve themselves, Franklin takes it to another level. The quest to enhance one’s self is to change one’s self. After all,

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