Bad Drinking Habits: Causes and Effects Drinking is something that majority of grown people, and even youngsters, would do for fun. It is really a mind thing that would occur in these human beings. Although drinking could be very fun, there are people that would drink for negative purposes. Some causes of bad drinking habits are having stressful problems, and just being influenced by others that would drink a lot. If people don’t have self-control of their drinking habits, it can become something that can affect their lives in different ways. The effects of a bad drinking habit are health problems, furthering stress, driving while intoxicated, and having an urge to be violent. The most important cause of a bad drinking habit is …show more content…
People that drinks would sometimes have the urge to want to drive while being intoxicated. Some people are successful at driving while drunk, and there are some that are not. People that drive drunk are putting themselves and others at risk. They could easily crash into other cars, trees, light poles, or drive into a ditch. The police would detect drunk drivers because they tend to swerve, drive close to the shoulder, or crash. When the police catch them, they would probably get a charge and a ticket. They would also get their car towed and have to pay to get it back. That’s why drunk drivers would usually have a designated driver to help them. The last effect that occurs while drinking a lot is violence. People can be very violent when they drink a lot. When they get liquor into their system, they tend to trash talk and engage into a physical altercation. The altercations can be very minor, such as a fight, or very major, such as a killing. This could cause them to go to jail for a short or long time. It can also destroy someone’s record and prevent them from getting a job. In conclusion, there are people with bad drinking habits. The causes of drinking a lot is stressing a lot, and being influenced by other people that drink a lot. The effects are bad health, furthering stress, drunk driving, and violence. People think that drinking is for fun, but it can be used to relieve stress, or just to fit in. Some
Randomly, people will turn their drinking habits into a reason why to drink. Whether they drink to just have fun, to release some stress, or because they drink to help with various sorts of problems. Often, the alcoholic in the family starts drinking too much, causing the family to always be on edge and be cautious with his mood swings, because they never know how they’ll end up acting. Often in times a sign of abuse on alcohol is when ¨Legal problems, such as being arrested or harming someone else while drunk¨ said researchers in Talbott Recovery. Once the alcoholic figures what kind of power they have over the family, they’ll often tend to use it in a more manipulative way, to make sure they get what they want in the end of the day. And when they’re drunk, they could care less about the family and just desire to get another bottle, and to let their emotions/actions lash out. That is when a person ends up becoming an
Alcohol use is associated with tremendous costs to the drinker, those around him or her, and society as a whole. These costs result from increased health risks (both physical and mental) associated with alcohol consumption as well as from the social harms caused by alcohol.
Many people don't know how to drink responsibly so that could lead to binge drinking. If you drink a lot you will do things you don't want to do, like drink and drive which could possibly kill someone including you. Drinking irresponsibly can lead to violent behavior which could put others at risk. Also for violent behavior and drinking+driving could get you in jail.
“A study sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimated that 1400 college students die each year from alcohol-related injuries” (Wechsler and Kuo). If that person likes being drunk for whatever reason, it could come to an addiction. That person will drink a lot over a period of time, but when they don’t have that drunk feeling, they will consume the alcohol faster and it can lead to liver problems and loss of brain cells. That is the long term issues. The short term problems, is when that person gets drunk and starts making stupid decisions.
The effects of drinking can change from person to person depending on the personality of the drinker. Some of the people who drink have tempers or they may have violent outbursts, some may assault, just may relax and make themselves comfortable, but there are the dumb drinkers who get so drunk they will jump off a house if their friends tell them it would be funny and convinces them to do it. Drinking too much can weaken your immune system, making your body a much easier target for disease. Most people drink to forget something that has happened to them or they are trying to get rid of the pain and suffering they are going through. The effects of drinking under the age twenty-one is the increased risk of physical or sexual assault. Drinking
This pattern often encourages people to drink more to keep the buzz going." ( Net Biz Mentor ). When people get like that they usually get a little bolder and want to do normal tasks and routines like driving a motorized vehicle. The effects of alcohol result in poor coordination, slurred speech, double vision, decrease of self-control, lost of consciousness and maybe even death.
"After drinking people usually feel pleasure and become talkative at first. These feelings are usually replaced by drowsiness as the alcohol is eliminated from the body, and the drinker may then become withdrawn. This pattern often encourages people to drink more to keep the buzz going." ( Net Biz Mentor ). When people get like that they usually get a little bolder and want to do normal tasks and routines like driving a motorized vehicle. The effects of alcohol result in poor coordination, slurred speech, double vision, decrease of self-control, lost of consciousness and maybe even death.
Drunk driving is a dangerous problem that needs to be addressed in our society, not only to cut back on the number of deaths caused by alcohol related accidents but also to ensure safety on public roads. Drunk driving is deliberately breaking the law, as well as a sign of indifference for other drivers.
The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make important decisions erode and becomes impaired. After even just one drink a person can lose the ability to operate a vehicle. At certain parts in the state of intoxication, it becomes illegal to drive a car and if you get caught it can possible lead to fines, or even imprisonment. The legal limit of alcohol you can consume changes from state to state, but the penalty of driving under the influence is always severe. Getting arrested and maybe being forced to sleep in a drunk tank is just some of the problems you also have to carry the humiliation and the shame of being caught and that person might just end up with their name written up in the local news paper. Alcoholism is a disease and it can make you do some things you would not want to and to repeat your past mistakes. More than one-third of drives arrested for intoxication are repeat offenders. Drivers with a prior DUI offense have a much higher likelihood to be in a fatal crash. (National Commission Against Drunk Driving, 2003). Repeat offenders also face the risk of ruining their own lives. They have the risk of possibility losing their license and that could also result in the losing of their jobs if their employer finds out about the conviction.
It can cause death by car crashes, or doing things you just could not stop yourself from doing when you are intoxicated. Also it can end from yourself. Some may have prior histories with depressions and other mental illnesses the temporary buzz may help which can cause the start of drinking but once the buzz wears off they could feel even worse than they did before.
The details why most persons drink can maybe be found in a mixture of the overhead issues, though for some persons, drinking is allied with a illness - liquor need. This illness is categorized by craving, a durable need or force to drink; reduced control, the incapacity to boundary one’s drinking on any given case; corporal need, removal indications such as biliousness, sweaty and nervousness when liquor use is stationary after a period of heavy drinking; acceptance, the need for growing amounts of alcohol in order to sense its effects. It is a continuing and often broad-minded disease. People need to drink despite negative moments such as thoughtful job or health difficulties. It is influenced by both hereditary and ecological
Because these people used alcohol they automatically put themselves at a higher risk, than non-drinkers, for alcohol-related injuries, problems with the law and many different negative health effects, including liver dysfunction, (MU Health, 2004). Users of alcohol also put others around them at a higher risk for negative consequences including disruption of events and studying, (Statistics on Alcohol, 2000).
Alcohol is a substance that has numerous diverse affects on the body-both positive and negative. Alcohol not only kills brain cells, but when taken in profusion it has almost no constructive affects. Sure it can make one overlook his/her problems, but the consequences of drinking in excess far outweigh the benefits. It is not a crime to get drunk, however alcohol will almost always cause one to conduct them self in a way he or she would not normally behave. For instance, a sober man will not usually drive ninety-five mph down I-95, however, after consuming a good amount of alcohol, his eyesight, judgement, reflexes and abilities are hindered to the point that he feels
Alcohol is very popular among people who are looking for a good time, but it is also a very addicting and evil thing. Most people try alcohol for the first time in their teen years even though it is against the law. Most of the time people try it because their friends drink. People who are weak minded are easily influenced by their friends to try out bad habits like alcohol, and at the end the only one it affects is that one person. That person will become dependant on alcohol and build a tolerance to it. Every week they drink more and more it will never be enough because they will always need a bigger amount of alcohol to satisfy them every time. That is how people become alcoholics. Alcoholics lose everything they have and own. Alcohol becomes everything they can ever think about, it takes over their life and in some cases it also takes their life.
While drinking might make you feel good now, if you abuse that alcohol it may lead to serious complications later. Heavy drinking is defined as consuming four or more drinks in a day for women and five or more drinks in a day for men (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). Alcohol is considered a depressant, so it is only seen fit that one of the chief effects of alcohol on the brain is to depress central nervous system functioning. In turn it may be why major depressive disorders occur in those who abuse alcohol. If the alcohol abuse continues over a period it intensifies into an alcohol dependency. Alcohol has effects on the body both mentally and physically. After a certain limit alcohol will slur your speech, increase your reaction time, and make you lose co-ordination. Alcohol consumption, particularly long-term alcohol dependence has many physiological ricks to consider, such as permanent damage to the brain, alcoholic liver disease, pancreatitis, alcohol poisoning