
Causes And Consequences Of Feelings

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It is unbelievable and almost unimaginable living our lives without ever having a feeling. As human beings we are forced to reckon with the feelings and emotions of ourselves and often at times the feelings and emotions of others around us. We all know what it is like to feel and to have emotions. They are the everyday things we do such as love our family and hate our enemy, have anger towards the one who made us mad and fearful of the person who makes us scared, have pride over our work ethics and jealousy of another’s knowledge and skills. Feelings and emotions drive us to certain states of mind that sometimes are controllable and sometimes are not. To live our lives is to experience all sorts of feelings of pleasure and displeasure, happiness and sadness, or anger and contentment. Leonard Berkowitz explains in his book Causes and Consequences of feelings that our thoughts, judgments, memories and interactions with others can be directly affected as a result of experiencing pleasure of displeasure. “Emotions, moods, and even our physical sensations can distort our judgments, alter what ideas occur to us, alter what we remember, and affect our behavior to those around us” (Berkowitz). More importantly, having emotions and feelings can generate error, lead to false recollections and mistaken judgments or decision. This may be because emotions are motivational, they act as motives and are related to our level of arousal. An emotion is a conscious experience involving

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