
Causes Of Economic Conflict In The Northern Colonies

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Economic Conflict: A Battle of Classes The seventeenth and eighteenth century marked a time in North American history fraught with conflict. As people immigrated away from Europe during the Great Migration, they arrived to form new social and political classes within the colonies. These class shaped the social dynamics within colonies, determining the access certain people had to government participation, and subjecting people to forms of discrimination and a lack of opportunity. Conflicts in the northern, middle, and southern colonies were primarily driven by economic factors, specifically being catalyzed by social class structures that dehumanized and repressed the voice of the lower-classes by removing their right to vote, as well as using special rules such as slave codes to categorize people by race. Economic change in the colonies drove conflict by creating social tension between classes and religious groups, eventually leading to dissent and uprising in all three regions. Conflicts in the Northern Colonies were driven largely by economic and class considerations, namely the significant increase in trade between the Northern colonies and Europe that existed in the mid-seventeenth century. As trade and mercantilism grew in these colonies, hostility between the Puritan Church and those engaging in trade and fiscal exchange grew significantly. The Puritan’s attempts for an ideal religious community in the Northern Colonies was threatened by the rise of trade, pushing

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