
Causes Of Global Great Depression

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Global Great Depression
October 29, 1929 was one of the darkest days in the United States history. Some refer to that day as Black Tuesday or the day the United State’s Stock market crashed. This led to the Great Depression. The Great Depression had a negative effect, not only in America, but in other countries as well because of the failure of businesses, high unemployment and devastating inflation. First, when the Stock Market crashed it forced banks to close down which hurt businesses worldwide. Second, the decline in employment led to strikes, food lines, and crime. Last, when international trade fell, nations responded by raising taxes on imported goods which increased prices and led to inflation.
The 1920s in America are …show more content…

This is called a bank run. That day over 16.4 million shares of stock were sold and as a result the market lost $14 billion dollars. Thousands of investors lost everything, including their whole life’s savings. They weren’t the only ones suffering though. Many of the banks had invested their customer’s money into the stock market so when the market crashed and people took out all their money, many banks were forced to close (“Economic Causes”). In fact, more than nine thousand banks closed throughout the 1930s (“Economic Causes”). Banks who did stay in business did not want to grant loans because they were not sure if the economy was going to improve and they wanted their banks to keep enough money to survive. When they stopped loaning money to people and businesses this only made the situation worse because businesses began to …show more content…

During the Depression people had to learn that their financial situation was out of their hands, so once they did they were trying to do anything and everything they could to make the experience they were having a little less hysterical. They spent this time going to see movies, having more family, or going out to spend time in bars. However I still stand that the Great Depression’s amount of negative effects overpowered the amount of positive ones. Having family time and going out to see movies isn’t wrong once in a while but certainly was not helping. A very common scenario is typically when men would work a very hard and long day and they would go straight to the bars. During this time, Alcoholism grew so much that they had to introduce the Prohibition Act of 1933 (“48e. Social”). Men would often come home drunk in the middle of the night while the wife had to feed and take care of the

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