
Causes Of Obesity In America

Decent Essays

Causes of Obesity What are the reasons of obesity in America? There are so many reason that people get fatter and sicker every day. Study show that millions of people get effects of obesity in America. Some people get fat because they eat too many fast food, or lack of exercising, and sometime it is depend on genes of that person. The factor that mostly causes obesity is fast food. Because it is quick and inexpensive, fast food appear almost everywhere in the street, town. No matter where you live, there will be a fast food restaurant like McDonald, Wendy, KFC, etc… But beside the positive effect, there are so many more things that go along. Fast food contains high cholesterol that can lead to high blood pressure or even a heart attack if you consume too much. All the French fries, and Coke can raise your heart beat and with high sugar, the number one cause diabetes. There are much more calories from fast food unused that can turn into fat. For those people who are lack of exercising also increase the number of obesity. In this twenty first century, the economic is up and down require people to stay over time on their job. For some people they take two jobs to meet the demand of life. Studies show that people who get more active are not involve in any type of obese issues than the people who are sit in front of computer for several hours. …show more content…

The different is because there are so any genes in each person. Scientist has found that ghrelin - often refer as appetite hormone that can make food look more desirable. Some studies have found that people who are sleep-deprive have increased ghrelin levels, which may explain why lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain. (Sifferlin 2013). Another genes call Leptin – refer to as “obesity hormone”. If leptin level is low, it will trigger the brain to understand that the body is starving and forcing them to

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