
Causes Of The American Revolution

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In the 1760’s, British Parliament passed multiple laws and taxes on American colonists such as the Townshend Act and Intolerable Acts. American colonists believed these laws to be unfair and they disagreed, which led to conflict between the British and the Americans. Americans were shocked by what they claimed to be violations of their liberties and over time, their shock grew into a rebellion. Later on, American colonists declared their independence from Britain and their unfair laws. Eventually these rebellions against British Parliament led up to the American Revolution.
British Parliament Placed multiple taxes on Americans, who believed this to be unfair. Parliament passed the Townshend Acts in 1767 to save its troubled East India company, which was granted a monopoly on the importation and sale of tea in the colonies, from bankruptcy. The Townshend Acts rearranged tax regulations so that the company could pay the Townshend duty and still undersell its competitors. At the same time, the North administration had hoped to affirm Parliament’s right to levy direct revenue taxes on the colonies. A graph in Document two shows that some of Britain’s lowest drops of imports were during the times of the Townshend Acts being passed, due to the taxes, as well as the previous act, the Stamp Act. The shipments became a symbol of taxation domination to the colonists, which opens the door to unknown future tax abuses. American colonists had never accepted the constitutionality of the

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