
Causes Of The French Revolution Of 1789-1799

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The French Revolution of 1789-1799
The French Revolution was a violent and a transitional period in French history that shook both the continent of Europe and France itself. The French Revolution stemmed from a vast set of motives. The influences of the French Revolution were both internal due to the government of France, political divides, and an impoverished economy from wars and also externally from Enlightenment philosophy and the outcome of the American Revolution (Schwartz, “The French Revolution: Causes, Outcomes, Conflicting Interpretations.”Causes of the French Revolution). The results of the French Revolution are incalculable and can be influential today; however, there were immediate consequences that changed french culture, politics and government.
One of the first causes of the French Revolution of 1789-1799 was the failed harvests in 1788 and 1789 known as the agrarian crisis of 1788-1789. The year prior to the French Revolution was plagued by a drought leading to poor crop yield. In addition, the winter following the poor harvest was the coldest in decades (Llewellyn , Jennifer, and Steve Thompson, “Harvest Failures.”). The lack of food led to an increase in prices that most of the french citizens could not afford. Most of the population was spending almost all of their income solely on food. The french government deregulated the grain market and provided little aid to the poor commoners. These actions sowed the seeds of rebellion and opposition in the French

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