
Causes Of The Sit Down Strike

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Starting over one-hundred years ago, labor unions have been gaining strength throughout America. Unions struggled for many years and had stiff opposition from business owners as union leaders fought for their rights. Over multiple different industries, unions eventually became victorious, including workers at General Motors production plants. Like most other big businesses, GM was strongly opposed to labor unions. “For example, General Motors (GM) spent $839,00 on detective work in 1932 alone and used a group called ‘The Black Legion’ who employed various intimidation tactics against active unions members” (Tuncer). Because GM was so opposed to unions, the Sit Down Strike was a historical moment for labor unions in the automotive industry. The strike ultimately improved wages, improved working conditions, and caused GM to recognize unions. Prior to the 1936 strike, automotive workers were not paid enough to support a family of four. “In 1935, the average auto worker took home about $900, while the United States government determined that an annual/month income of $1600 was the minimum on which a family of four could live in that year of 1935” (Tuncer). That is about 43% less than what is required to support a family. However, wages were not the only factor that caused the strike. Working conditions were also a huge reason for the strike. One worker even said “Actually we didn’t strike for money ... we struck for humane treatment and recognition of the union” (Parshall).

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