
Causes Of War In Ray Bradbury's 'Martian Chronicles'

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The Earth’s beautiful green lands and ocean blue water suddenly explode with great booms in bright light. Then, blackness follows, completely enveloping the whole planet, bringing us our last moments of breath, until all is silent and Earth is empty. Bradbury predicts that the Earth will soon be annihilated due to the human race’s heavy dependence on technology. The instruments we use today shines a light on the origin of weapons and how terrifying it can be. With this, engaging in war using technology as a weapon may cause devastating casualties more than ever. Similarly, The Martian Chronicles written by Bradbury illustrates how humans leave Earth because it was destroyed by the war. With the intention of conquering Mars, humans travel a …show more content…

Corresponding to Bradbury's predictions of the future, it’s been commonly argued that the advancement in technology will bring permanent results that will be passed on in history as “The Great Extinction” or “Humanity’s extinction”.
Humans have always held an insatiable desire for creating machinery that will improve the lives of many, however, it is also what can potentially lead to the birth of weapons of war. In the chronicle, “The Locusts,” written by Bradbury, depicts the time when humans came to Mars in rockets. The rockets “set the bony meadows afire, turned rock to lava, turned wood to charcoal, transmitted water to steam” and “made sand and silica into green glass which lay like shattered mirrors reflecting the invasion” (Bradbury 78). Instead of accepting the way the new land is, the humans shape the mountains into familiar landscapes which is detrimental to Mars. Bradbury describes that just like swarms of locusts, humans arrive on Mars from Earth. As a matter of fact, locusts are grasshoppers that cause damage to the crops. If Bradbury meant that we are “the locusts,” it would point out that we are damaging the environment on Mars by building

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