
Celia Luiez Case Study

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Hector and Celia Sanchez are the parents of six children. Junior, Emilia, and Vicki were born in Mexico but have legal documented status along with their parents. Gloria, Alejandro, and Carmen having been born in the United States are legal citizens. They are a close family, many times putting the family needs over individual needs and wants. Despite the current financial hardship they are experiencing, they have opened their home to Celia’s nephew, Roberto, as well as taking custody of their 4 year old grandson, Joey. Celia has been in the country for about 20 years, choosing to stay close to her family, she has not learned to speak English. This has become a concern to her because there are a number of important issues that could impact her and the family that she does not fully understand.
Hector is a very hardworking and proud man. He refuses to accept any …show more content…

He has insurance with his job so that should not be a financial burden. His art work is already being displayed at his job and he has a local businesswoman that has purchased some of his artwork. There may be additional places to showcase his artwork and have him become more involved in the local arts community.
An area where agency service may be limited is with Roberto. He may be ineligible because of his resident status. He does help out around the center when he comes in and he does go to the local baseball games. I might check with Parks and Recreation to see what opportunities may be available for him to help out around the ball fields in cleaning or maintenance.
This would certainly not be a complete list of the services this family needs. But addressing the physical health of the family and the immediate need for additional food while beginning the vocational and skills training for improved jobs and stability is a great place to

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