
Cellular Respiration Essay

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Cellular respiration is a sequence of three metabolic stages. Stage one is glycolysis and occurs in the cytoplasm. Stages two and three occur in the mitochondria and are respectively called the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. Both autotrophs and heterotrophs use these metabolic stages to produce the energy required to grow, reproduce and undertake maintenance, in the form of ATP (Flinders University , 2018). A step in the Krebs cycle can see an enzyme catalysed conversion of succinate to fumarate where an electron is transferred from one complex to another, a redox reaction (Knox, et al., n.d.). Substrate concentration is a variable used to increase the rate of a reaction. It is a limiting factor however, up until a certain point, …show more content…

Additionally, being provided with a singular timer made the act of timing difficult, allowing for inaccurate timing to occur. The temperature of each sample was not kept at a certain temperature, allowing them to sit in room temperature meant that there was the possibility of one sample being slightly warmer of cooler depending on placement allowing more or less cellular respiration to occur, increasing the transmittance percentage. To correct this potential mistake placing all samples in the exact same conditions would improve the reliability of the …show more content…

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