
Censorship And Propaganda Essay

Decent Essays

Historical/Cultural Focus: Propaganda and Censorship
Throughout history, governments and political entities have attempted to alter and control the information that reached its citizens. Utilizing propaganda to persuade and censoring information by not allowing citizens to gain full knowledge of events have been two of the most common ways that governments have attempted to control their citizens.

Governments, groups, and individuals engage in propaganda when they choose to manipulate, alter, or control information with the purpose of forming or intensifying a particular response or opinion in their target audiences. The term “propaganda” began when Pope Gregory XV established the Sacred Congregation for Propagating the Faith, a group charged …show more content…

The bandwagon technique which advocates the importance of being in the “in” crowd is frequently used to sell clothing and gadgets, but has also been employed to convince citizens, as in Orwell’s 1984, of the necessity of joining a particular political party. Card-stacking, building a highly-biased case toward a particular point of view, is also frequently employed by governments and lawyers alike. Some citizens believe that the administration of President George W. Bush utilized card-stacking to convince Americans of the necessity of the Iraq war when he informed the citizenry that weapons of mass destruction littered all of Iraq, threatening the United …show more content…

The technique of transfer, defining or judging someone by who they do or do not associate with, is also frequently employed as propaganda. The McCarthy trials of the 1950s utilized transfer when the judges frequently decided if a person was or was not communist based solely on whom the accused did or did not speak to or associate with. Testimonials are frequently utilized to heighten a leader’s appeal. This often appears when celebrities declare which product or candidate they support, but is also frequently utilized in a court setting when an attorney places an expert witness on the stand during a

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