
Censorship In Art

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Since the beginning of time art has been an important aspect to our lives. We learn from it, admire it, and some even relate to it in different ways. Art comes in many different forms it could be sculptures, photography, paintings or music. Some forms of art could be inappropriate and offensive to some people. Should all art be censored? A great deal of controversy has been provoked by this. Although you may not think that different forms of art are beneficial to our every day lives, actually they are. If there was no art, we would not have any idea how people lived in the past. We still do not know exactly how they lived, but the artifacts left behind gives us clues. Some of the art may show nuidty and be innapprotpiate. The artist definitely had a meaning behind their piece of art, and had symbolism to it. From that we can get an idea to how life was back then. Due to pieces of art like this, many people argue that art should be censored. This goes back to Plato’s proposal to ban mimetic art for its moral and epistemological evil ("Aesthetic Censorship: Censoring Art for Art's Sake"). Artists in the East and West have had to denounce and deal with the censor of their art since the twentieth century ("Aesthetic Censorship: Censoring Art for Art's Sake"). Since then popular artists have been doing everything they can to protect art’s freedom and right to exist ("Aesthetic Censorship: Censoring Art for Art's Sake"). For example Michelangelo’s, “The Last Judgement” that was

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